The professorship Theory in the arts and the School of Dance of ArtEZ Institute of the Arts and the whole crew of the research group Unpacking performativity offer a celebration of the first Day of Performativity on 18th of November 2014 in Arnhem.
This event is a closure of a two years research journey,
Two years ago the research group Unpacking Performativity started its research journey. This voyage resulted in a practical-theoretical approach in enquiring the relation between the idea of performativity, urban dance and academic dance. An important issue became the circle (form) in which all kinds of transmissions of ideas and actions were tested. Bystanders (students, researchers, professionals, nameless) were also invited to infuse and add to the research processes with new ideas and new embodiments.
This active and performative approach of theory and practice was underpinned by the idea of the FEST, a term that the philosopher Gadamer had made famous within aesthetics for understanding art forms that could be no more reduced to an object that only insists to be viewed. The term FEST suited very well the analysis and praxis of the circle, and our research at large.
We invite guests to come and ‘jam’ with us, which also is a special form of doing. The first ‘Day of Performativity’ will be a testimonial celebration dedicated to the power of the illocutionary force and to the possibilities of the performative for dance, the arts in general and, perhaps, life.
In the spring of 2015 the publication (publisher ArtEZ Press) will be presented.
The research group joined the ArtEZ Studium Generale event Just Another Day February 14th 2014. UP# worked with students and professionals from various fields to co-create artistic interventions for uncommon experiences of the city of Arnhem. A special team travelled with the group to create visual notes of the event. Find the online magazine here and enjoy! Link
On 11 and 12 th February 2013 the UP# 3 meeting took place.
Researchers reflected on the second draft format for the presentation at the conference ‘Event in Artistic and Political Practices’ in Amsterdam in March. Stiring question was how a format manifests logicaly and experientally the work of the research group.
The format was rehearsed with students from ArtEZ School of Dance the next morning. This act generated interesting feedback.
Clip by Teresa van Twuijver
UP# 0 Reflection with the invitees and performers